Water Scarcity Quotes

I do not find the supposed scientific consensus among my colleagues. Curiously, it is a feature of man-made global warming that every fact confirms it: rising temperatures or decreasing temperatures. No matter what the weather, some model of global warming offers a watertight explanation.

Javier Cuadros

Winds and waters keep A hush more dead than any sleep.

William Allingham

Water is the lifeblood of our bodies, our economy, our nation and our well-being.

Stephen Johnson

Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.

Mark Twain

The Waters are Nature's storehouse in which she locks up her wonders.

Isaac Waltonn

The sound of water says what I think.

Chuang Tzu

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.

Henry David Thoreau

Water flows from high in the mountains Water runs deep in the Earth Miraculously, water comes to us, And sustains all life.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Stones are hollowed out by the constant dropping of water.


Water is the mother of the vine, The nurse and fountain of fecundity, The adorner and refresher of the world.

Charlas Mckay

Water its living strength first shows, When obstacles its course oppose.

Johan Wolfgang

For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again; neither doth God respect any person: yet doth he devise means, that his banished be not expelled from him.

II Samuel

Pure water is the best of gifts that man to man can bring, But who am I that I should have the best of anything? Let princes revel at the pump, let peers with ponds make free, Whisky, or wine, or even beer is good enough for me


Water links us to our neighbor in a way more profound and complex than any other.

John Thorson

It is a fascinating and provocative thought that a body of water deserves to be considered as an organism in its own right.

Lyall Watson
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