Weapon Quotes

Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.

Mohandas Gandhi

The weapon of the advocate is the sword of the soldier, not the dagger of the assassin

Alexander Cockburn

The neutron warhead is a defensive weapon designed to offset the great superiority that the Soviet Union has on the western front against the NATO nations.

Ronald Reagan

As crude a weapon as a cave man's club, the chemical barrage has been hurled against the fabric of life.

Rachel Carson

It is probable that all heavy matter possessesólatent and bound up with the structure of the atomóa similar quantity of energy to that possessed by radium. If it could be tapped and controlled, what an agent it would be in shaping the world's destiny! The man who puts his hand on the lever by which a parsimonious nature regulates so jealously the output of this store of energy would possess a weapon by which he could destroy the Earth if he chose. A prescient remark on atomic energy after the discovery of radioactivity, but decades before the harnessing of nuclear fission in an atomic bomb became a reality

Frederick Soddy

An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways.

Isaac Asimov

Above all, I regret that scientific experimentsósome of them mineóshould have produced such a terrible weapon as the hydrogen bomb. Regret, with all my soul, but not guilt.†

Harold C. Urey

The role of resistance weapons has ended in the streets. They should go back into storage and they should not show up in the streets. Any weapon now in the street is a criminal weapon

Ala Husni

Terrorism is a weapons system, ... From time immemorial it has been the weapon of the weak against the strong. The real war on terror is about culture, ideas and perceptions as much as roadside bombs and suicide bombs.

Arnaud de Borchgrave

An atom blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways

Salvor Hardin

Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harms we do, we do to ourselves

Mitch Albom

A weapon is an enemy even to its owner

Turkish Proverb

Women's weapon, water-drops

William Shakespeare

We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun

George Orwell

The weak have one weapon: the errors of those who think they are strong.

Georges Bidault
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