Wine Quotes

Writing in my sixty-fourth year, I can truthfully say that since I reached the age of discretion I have consistently drunk more than most people would say is good for me. Nor did I regret it. Wine has been for me a firm friend and a wise counsellor. has shown me matters in their true perspective, and has, as though by the touch of a magic wand, reduced great disasters to small inconveniences. Wine has lit up for me the pages of literature, and revealed in life romance lurking in the commonplace. Wine has made me bold but not foolish; has induced me to say silly things but not to do them.

Duff Cooper

A hard drinker, being at table, was offered grapes at dessert. Thank you, said he, pushing the dish away from him, but I am not in the habit of taking my wine in pills.

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

When the wine [made at her chateau] is in the golden period of effervescing, any sick child in the village ticketed by the doctor can be brought to the wine-presses and dipped in. If labeled tres malade, he is dipped in twice.

Lillie de Hergermann

French wines may be said but to pickle meat in the stomach, but this is the wine that digests, and doth not only breed good blood, but it nutrifieth also, being a glutinous substantial liquor; of this wine, if of any other, may be verified that merry induction: That good wine makes good blood, good blood causeth good humors, good humors cause good thoughts, good thoughts bring forth good works, good works carry a man to heaven, ergo, good wine carrieth a man to heaven.

James Howell

I have enjoyed great health at a great age because everyday since I can remember I have consumed a bottle of wine except when I have not felt well. Then I have consumed two bottles.

A Bishop of Seville

Tis pity wine should be so deleterious, for tea and coffee leave us much more serious.

Lord Byron

Wine can of their wits the wise beguile, Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.

Homer Odyssey

Wine makes a man more pleased with himself; I do not say it makes him more pleasing to others.

Samuel Johnson

Good wine is a necessity of life for me.

Thomas Jefferson

By making this wine vine known to the public, I have rendered my country as great a service as if I had enabled it to pay back the national debt.

Thomas Jefferson

Drink wine, and you will sleep well. Sleep, and you will not sin. Avoid sin, and you will be saved. Ergo, drink wine and be saved

Medieval German saying

Wine is the most civilized thing in the world.

Ernest Hemingway.

I will add one that is my spin on an old budgeting problem: Why is there so much wine left at the end of my money?

Milan in Santa Cruz

Ok. Here is what I like to say about a well made wine of modest proportions: It is not a wine that commands your attention, but rather, rewards it.

Dave Guimond

No nation is drunken where wine is cheap, and none sober where the dearness of wine substitutes ardent spirits as the common beverage.

Thomas Jefferson
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