Words Quotes

Lord, enable us to search our hearts and humble ourselves before Thee. Oh, for a closer walk with God, more faith, more sincerity, more earnestness, and more love. I must study more the Word of God. If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you. The Master said so, and His words are true.

A. M. Mackay

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The current flows fast and furious. It issues in a spate of words from the loudspeakers and the politicians. Every day they tell us that we are a free people fighting to defend freedom. That is the current that has whirled the young airman up into the sky and keeps him circulating there among the clouds. Down here, with a roof to cover us and a gas mask handy, it is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.

Virginia Woolf

There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection.

Theodore Roosevelt

The best things said come last. People will talk for hours saying nothing much and then linger at the door with words that come with a rush from the heart.

Alan Alda

Everything ideological possesses meaning: it represents, depicts, or stands for something lying outside itself. In other words, it is a sign. Without signs there is no ideology.

V. N. Volosinov

Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in part, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language. The quality of cranes lies, I think, in this higher gamut, as yet beyond the reach of words.

Aldo Leopold†

Sometimes its better to put love into hugs than to put it into words.


The field of combat was a long, narrow, green-baize covered table. The weapons were words

Adm C. Turner Joy

Be able to describe anything visual, such as a street scene, in words that convey your meaning.

Marilyn vos Savant

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.

Benjamin Franklin

Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory.

Norman Vincent Peale

The best apology against false accusers is silence and sufferance, and honest deeds set against dishonest words.

John Milton

The logic of words should yield to the logic of realities.

Louis D. Brandeis

If deeds are wanting, all words appear mere vanity and emptiness.

Greek proverb
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