Work ethic Quotes

Assurance is a jewel of that worth, a pearl of that price, that he who will have it must work, and sweat, and weep, and wait to obtain it.

Thomas Brooks

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.

Newt Gingrich

Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture.


This is my chance to help this lady put some money in her pocket. Let me explain how the economy works. When you spend money to buy food it helps this lady's business. It makes it more likely somebody is going to find work. So instead of asking questions, answer mine: are you going to buy some food?

George Walker Bush

I just think people have a lot of fiction. But, you know, I mean, the real story of Facebook is just that we've worked so hard for all this time. I mean, the real story is actually probably pretty boring, right? I mean, we just sat at our computers for six years and coded.

Mark Zuckerberg

Creating channels between people who want to work together toward change has always been one of the ways that social movements push the world forward and make it better.

Mark Zuckerberg

If you just work on stuff that you like and are passionate about, you dont have to have a master plan with how things will play out.

Mark Zuckerberg

Christ's sacrifice stands in glorious proportions with the work to be done. Nothing else or less would suffice. It is a work supernatural, transacted in the plane of nature; and what but such a work could restore the broken order of the soul under evil?

Horace Bushnell

We are to work after no set fashion of high endeavor; but to walk with Jesus, performing, as it were, a ministry on foot, that we may stop at the humblest matter, and prove our fidelity there.

Horace Bushnell

Heaven is the work of the best and kindest men and women. Hell is the work of prigs, pedants and professional truth-tellers. The world is an attempt to make the best of both.

Samuel Butler

An energy is a soul a something working in us.

Samuel Butler

Think of and look at your work as though it were done by your enemy. If you look at it to admire it you are lost.

Samuel Butler

He that works and does some Poem, not he that merely says one, is worthy of the name of Poet.

Thomas Carlyle

The work we desire and prize is not the courage to die decently, but to live manfully.

Thomas Carlyle

Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.

Thomas Carlyle
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