category-Nature Quotes

God gives us intelligence to uncover the wonders of nature. Without the gift, nothing is possible.

James Clavell

Through my LSD experience and my new picture of reality, I became aware of the wonder of creation, the magnificence of nature and of the animal and plant kingdom. I became very sensitive to what will happen to all this and all of us.

Albert Hofmann

It is human nature to stand in the middle of a thing.

Marianne Moore

Politicians of all stripes are always in danger at looking at every problem from an abstract point of view or being briefed by officials, academics, or economists who know every science but the science of human nature.

Joseph Jacques Jean Chrtien

Water is the driver of Nature

Leonardo da Vinci

It is the very nature of grace to make a man strive to be most eminent in that particular grace which is most opposed to his bosom sin.

Thomas Brooks

Coarse kindness is at least better than coarse anger; and in all private quarrels the duller nature is triumphant by reason of its dullness.

George Eliot

Tis plain that there is not in nature a point of stability to be found: everything either ascends or declines. When wars are ended abroad, sedition begins at home, and when men are freed from fighting for necessity, they quarrel through ambition.

Sir Walter Scott

Because impudence is a vice, it does not follow that modesty is a virtue; it is built upon shame, a passion in our nature, and may be either good or bad according to the actions performed from that motive.

Bernard Mandeville

To understand why dictators have a problem with making peace - or at least a genuine peace - the link between the nature of a regime and its external behavior must be understood.

Natan Sharansky

I am much more open about categories of gender, and my feminism has been about women's safety from violence, increased literacy, decreased poverty and more equality. I was never against the category of men.

Judith Butler

Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.


The sight of nature fascinates, the family tie has a sweet enchantment and patriotism gives the religious spirit a fiery devotion to the powers that it reveres.

Bruno Bauer

The increase of scientific knowledge lies not only in the occasional milestones of science, but in the efforts of the very large body of men who with love and devotion observe and study nature.

Polykarp Kusch

The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated.

William James
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