All altruism springs from putting yourself in the other person's place.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
All the gold in the world has no significance. That which is lasting are the thoughtful acts which we do for our fellow man.
Adolfo Prieto
If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.
Tenzin Gyatso
Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning
Benjamin Franklin
Changing the world doesn’t require much money. Again, think in terms of empowerment and not charity.
Tim Ferriss
The essence of love is found in man's inherent connection with God, manifested and strengthened by our willingness to give, or dulled and destroyed by our refusal to do so.
Alan Calhoun
When it comes to giving—some people stop at nothing.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.
Robert Green Ingersoll
The measure of a man’s humanity is the extent and intensity of his love for mankind.
Ashley Montagu
They have done impossible things in impossible places. I think it's a great use of that altruism that is built into the Peace Corps. These are people who want to give of themselves.
James Walsh
I would rather be kept alive in the efficient if cold altruism of a large hospital than expire in a gush of warm sympathy in a small one.
Aneurin Bevan