I established myself in a fairly remote country house and entertained my imagination with various means of transport. Here is how I betook myself to heaven. I attached to myself a number of bottles of dew, and the heat of the sun, which attracted it, drew me so high that I finally emerged above the highest clouds. But the sun's attraction of the dew drew me upwards so rapidly that instead of approaching the Moon, as I intended, I seemed to be farther from it than when I started. I broke open some of the bottles and felt my weight overcome the attraction and bring me back towards the earth.
Cyrano Hercule Savinien de Bergerac
Having personally kissed in zero gravity, I was initially amazed by the unexpected lack of attraction, from the sheer perspective of the mass magnetism.
Vanna Bonta
There is no honest man! not one, that can resist the attraction of gold!
Hatred is the sign of a secret attraction that is eager to flee from itself and furious to deny its own existence. That too is God's play in His creature.
Sri Aurobindo