The commonwealth of Venice in their armory have this inscription: "Happy is that city which in time of peace thinks of war."
Robert Burton
Took over my city and I never asked permission to.
Please start doin you. I been doin me. And Im a staple in my city, you can never ruin me.
Die goldene Medina. The accent was not on the golden (except in the sense of some mysterious Light), but on the Medina - that is, the city of hope, the city of deliverance.
Whittaker Chambers
Ant-swarming city, city abounding in dreams, Where ghosts in broad daylight accost the passerby!
Charles Baudelaire
What a city, what a night, what a crowd, what a bomb, what a mistake, what a wanker you have for a President.
Paul David Hewson
In any modern city, a great deal of our energy has to be expended in not seeing, not hearing, not smelling. An inhabitant of New York who possessed the sensory acuteness of an African Bushman would very soon go mad.
Wystan Hugh Auden
New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American.
Djuna Barnes
The city, that monster with a hundred mouths and a thousand ears, a monster that knows nothing but says everything, had written me off.
Jean-Dominique Bauby
I drive a lot. Just for pleasure. Sometimes I'll get in the Cadillac and drive around the city or the country, kind of trying to get lost basically. Y'know, just see where roads lead.
Frank Black
We did have choruses before, just the libraries of music in people's heads are so undeveloped that their ideas of choruses are training wheels and the Bay City Rollers.
Cedric Bixler-Zavala
Im a staple in my city, you can never ruin me.