Education is a system of imposed ignorance.
Noam Chomsky
Education is the great equalizer, and shouldnt be limited to the wealthiest few.
James Enos (Jim) Clyburn
Working with Martin Scorsese was an absolute minute-by-minute education without him ever being grandiose about it.
Catherine lise Blanchett
Think about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education.
George Herbert Walker Bush
Education is the strongest weapon available for restricting the questions people ask, controlling what they think, and ensuring that they get their thoughts from above.
John Carroll
In so far as the intention of education is to train the child for a vocation it is a millstone around his neck.
John Carroll
The dons are too busy educating the young men to be able to teach them anything.
Samuel Butler
Education is spreading hope. Millions are now learning to live with HIV/AIDS instead of waiting to die from it.
Laura Welch Bush
In a sense [Lawrence] is the patron saint of all writers who have never had an Oxford or Cambridge education who are somewhat despised by those who have.
Anthony Burgess
Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Quantum physics is no longer an abstract theory for specialists. We must now absolutely include it in our education and also in our culture.
Claude Cohen Tannoudji
Education is the poor mans haven and the ignorant mans hell.
Vikrant Parsai
The object of education is not merely to enable our children to gain their daily bread and to acquire pleasant means of recreation, but that they should know God and serve Him with earnestness and devotion.
Hermann Adler