If there ever was a case of clearer evidence than this of persons acting together, this case is that case
William Arabin
It first was a rumour dismissed as a lie but then came the evidence none could deny: a double page spread in the Sunday Express The Russians are running the DHSS!
Attila the Stockbroker
The scientific fact of clairvoyance, telepathy, soul-flight, psychometry, and prophecy are well established by incontrovertible evidence yet to mention them in certain circles is to ostracize yourself.
Benjamin Fish Austin
They are going to kill me. It doesn't matter what evidence you or anyone comes up with. They are going to murder me for murder I didn't commit.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
I am an anarchist, a political and social Huguenot; I deny everything and affirm naught but myself: because the sole truth of which I have material and moral proof and tangible, comprehensible and intelligible evidence, the only real, startling, non-arbitrary truth not susceptible to interpretation, is myself. I am. There I have a positive fact. Everything else is abstraction and, in mathematics, would be designated as "x", and unknown quantity; and I need not trouble myself with it.
Anselme Bellegarrigue
If you thought it was impossible for a film to contain less effective comedy than Date Movie, here's evidence to the contrary.
James Berardinelli
I've looked right through the Bible, start to finish, looking for the bit saying 'Jesus was the mind behind Ikea', then there's no evidence to suggest this at all.
Russell Edward Brand
There are people who just don't believe in the existence of a god. I don't know why because clearly, there is strong evidence that there's a god. But I believe that you serve all the people, not just those who profess to have faith but those with little or no faith. That's how you convert them.
Donna Brazile