France is doing everything it can, but the problem is that it is impossible to stop Bush from pursuing his logic of war to the end.
Jacques Chirac
France regrets a decision which nothing justifies today and which could have heavy consequences for the region and for the world.
Dominique De Villepin
France has a very important relationship with Germany. But that does not mean that we agree about everything or that two of our universities or companies are not going to compete.
Jean Pierre Raffarin
France can never accept that it is no longer a dominating power in the world of culture. This is true both of the French right and the French left. They keep thinking that Americans are primitive cowboys or farmers who do not understand anything.
Adam Michnik
Clearly, for France in her present position, intelligence consists of practicing a policy of entente with Germany in order to survive.
Pierre Laval
France is delighted at this new opportunity to show the world that when one has the will one can succeed in joining peoples who have been brought close by history.
Francois Mitterrand
I dont think it is true - as some commentators suggest - that France is going through an identity crisis, but there is an element of that.
Peter Mandelson
If they make a choice, they need to choose France before Europe and Europe before elsewhere in the world.
Alain Tchibozo
France was a long despotism tempered by epigrams.
Thomas Carlyle
France has lost the battle but she has not lost the war.
Charles de Gaulle
When I saw what a mess everything was in I asked for my money back on the ticket. I would have felt I was deserting. If everyone of any value leaves France, what will remain of France?
Henri Matisse
Although I may not be a lioness, I am a lion's cub, and inherit many of his qualities; and as long as the King of France treats me gently he will find me as gentle and tractable as he can desire; but if he be rough, I shall take the trouble to be just as troublesome and offensive to him as I can.
Elizabeth I
Far less envy in America than in France, and far less wit.
If it were not for the government, we should have nothing to laugh at in France.
Sébastien-Roch Nicolas De Chamfort
France was long a despotism tempered by epigrams.
Thomas Carlyle