After all these years, it's still embarrassing for me to play on the American golf tour. Like the time I asked my caddie for a sand wedge and he came back ten minutes later with a ham on rye
Chi Chi Rodriguez
Columbus went around the world in 1492. That isn't a lot of strokes when you consider the course
Lee Trevino
Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by an occasional miracle
Golf's a hard game to figure. One day you'll go out and slice it, shank it, hit all the traps, and miss every green. The next day you go out and, for no reason at all, you really stink
Bob Hope
Only a stupid golfer throws his club behind him. The smart golfer throws his club ahead so he can pick it up on the way to the next hole. Always remember: Golf clubs don't float
Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing
Ben Hogan
Golf is a puzzle without an answer. I've played the game for 40 years and I..
Gary Player
I get to play golf for a living. What more can you ask for -- getting paid
Tiger Woods
that can take 5 strokes off anyone's golf game. It's called an eraser
Arnold Palmer