Every man bears something within him that, if it were publicly announced, would excite feelings of aversion.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Let no guilty man escape, if it can be avoided. No personal consideration should stand in the way of performing a public duty.
Ulysses Simpson Grant
Guilt has always its horrors and solicitudes; and, to make it yet more shameful and detestable, it is doomed often to stand in awe of those to whom nothing could give influence or weight but their power of betraying.
Samuel Johnson
Guilt's a terrible thing.
Ben Jonson
The gods Grow angry with your patience. 'Tis their care, And must be yours, that guilty men escape not: As crimes do grow, justice should rouse itself.
Ben Jonson
Guilt is a poor, helpless, dependent being. Without the alliance of able, diligent, and let me add, fortunate fraud, it is inevitably undone. If the guilty culprit be obstinately silent, it forms a deadly presumption against him; if he speaks, talking tends only to his discovery, and his very defence often furnishes the materials for his conviction.
Whatever guilt is perpetrated by some evil prompting, is grievous to the author of the crime. This is the first punishment of guilt that no one who is guilty is acquitted at the judgment seat of his own conscience.
Men's minds are too ingenious in palliating guilt in themselves.
Titus Livy
These false pretexts and varnished colours failing, Rare in thy guilt how foul must thou appear.
John Milton
All good men and women should be on their guard to avoid guilt, and even the suspicion of it.
Guilt is the source of sorrow; 'tis the fiend, The avenging fiend, that follows us behind With whips and stings.
Nicholas Rowe
There are no greater prudes than those women who have some secret to hide.
George Sand