Lucky Quotes

I'm lucky that SFWA has such a short memory. I was always the Young Turk, the gadfly. Part of the New Wave, although I didn't fit in there either! I spent years, and two histories, putting the so-called Old Guard in their place, and now I'm one of them!

Brian Wilson Aldiss

If you approach any psychic with any sort of scepticism youll see through pretty much all of it unless they happen to get lucky.

Derren Victor Brown

On golden chairs Sitting at ease, you paid for the songs which we chanted To those less lucky. You paid us for drying their tears And for comforting all those whom you had wounded.

Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht

I'm quite lucky, because I've got a small, decorative concrete pig.

Bill Bailey

Maybe living past your time is worse than a sin. Maybe we'll all get lucky and it'll never happen to any of us.

Bart Bull

First we had the legs race. Then we had the arms race. Now we're going to have the brain race. And, if we're lucky, the final stage will be the human race.

John Kilian Houston Brunner
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