Modesty Quotes

Modesty in woman is a virtue most deserving, since we do all we can to cure her of it.

Joseph Addison

Modesty and unselfishness: These are the virtues which men praise, and pass by.

Andre Maurois

Modesty answers not the crude how of femininity, but the beautiful why.

Wendy Shalit

Modesty is to merit, as shades to figures in a picture, giving it strength and beauty

Jean de la Bruyere

Modesty seldom resides in a breast that is not enriched with nobler virtues.

Oliver Goldsmith

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.

Miss Manners

The modest person is usually admired, if people ever hear of them.

Edgar Watson Howe

No modest man ever did or ever will make a fortune.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Remember that with her clothes a woman puts off her modesty.


Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long; even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one, and the great charm of all power is modesty.

Louisa May Alcott

Learning gives us a fuller conviction of the imperfections of our nature; which one would think, might dispose us to modesty.

Jeremy Collier

Modesty should be typical of the success of a champion.

Major Taylor

With sincere modesty, if there is such a thing, I have never thought of legacy at all. I am always grateful if people like what I have done. A legacy is something no one can forsee.

Tom Glazer

You have a good many little gifts and virtues, but there is no need of parading them, for conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long, and the great charm of all power is modesty.

Louisa May Alcott

To test a modest man's modesty do not investigate if he ignores applause, find out if he abides criticism.

Franz Grillparzer
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