All the time we wondered and wondered, who is this person coming/growing/turning/floating/swimming deep, deep inside
Crescent Dragonwagon
I begin to love this creature, and to anticipate her birth as a fresh twist to a knot, which I do not wish to untie
Mary Wollstonecraft
Making a decision to have a child--it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body
Elizabeth Stone
God's interest in the human race is nowhere better evinced than in obstetrics
Martin H. Fischer
In pregnancy, there are two bodies, one inside the other. Two people live under one skin.... When so much of life is dedicated to maintaining our integrity as distinct beings, this bodily tandem is an uncanny fact.
Joan Raphael-Leff
There is no friendship, no love, like that of a mother for her child.
Henry Ward Beecher
Back in the days when men were hunters and chest beaters and women spent their whole lives worrying about pregnancy or dying in childbirth, they often had to be taken against their will. Men complained that women were cold, unresponsive, frigid. They wanted their women wanton. They wanted their women wild. Now women were finally learning to be wanton and wild -- and what happened? The men wilted
Erica Jong
Pregnancy is of course confined to women, but it is in other ways significantly different from the typical covered disease or disability
William H. Rehnquist
If the Plan B battle reveals anything, it's that the opponents' real agenda is not to prevent unintended pregnancy and abortion. If that were so, they would be for all forms of contraception. They'd be for better sex education. They'd be for more family-planning counseling. The problem is the right doesn't want greater access to birth control, ... and their opposition to Plan B proves it
Steve Gilliard
When he saw what drugs or alcohol or unwanted pregnancy did to kids he fell in love with, he realized there had to be a straight path
Catherine Gonzalez
The spiritual quality of earth: eternally pregnant and containing in its fertility the unwritten cipher of cosmic lore.
Lady Frieda Harris
I'm convinced that whatever state you're in during your pregnancy has a huge influence on the baby's personality - so I hope we haven't produced a little serial killer!
Helena Bonham Carter
In the early stages of a pregnancy, the Government cannot intervene with a woman's right to choose. That is it, plain and simple. Guess what. We are not going to be big brother or sister, as the case may be. We are going to allow a woman, her doctor, and her God to make that decision.
Barbara Levy Boxer