It is a time when one's spirit is subdued and sad, one knows not why; when the past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the future but a way to death.
Mark Twain
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.
John Greenleaf Whittier
Onions make me sad, a lot of people don't realize that. When I'm cutting onions, I'm sad. Because the plight of onions, it's sad. But people don't realize I'm actually crying - they think I'm just reacting.
Mitch Hedberg
Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you're hurt.
Tom Gates
Sadness is always the legacy of the past; regrets are pains of the memory
Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness its poison
Lord Chesterfield
It is very sad for a man to make himself servant to a single thing; his manhood all taken out of him by the hydraulic pressure of excessive business.
Theodore Parker
Much like the hands of a clock go nowhere fast, anxious thoughts run us round-and-round without taking us anywhere!
Guy Finley
It is an unfortunate personal tragedy. However, when compared to the vast ocean of the collective tragedy faced by my people, my illness is merely a pebble. I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness, unable to contribute anything substantial towards the alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of my people.
Anton Balasingham
The only thing worried thoughts have the power to change is what the next thing will be for you to worry over!
Guy Finley
The past is as powerless to darken the present moment as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it.
Guy Finley
Grief carries its own antidote along with it.
Charles Brockden Brown
I spend a lot of my time looking at blue, The colour of my room and my mood...
Kate Bush
The only one interested in hearing your sad story is . . . you; and even you wish you didn�t have to relive it again!
Guy Finley
Listen! you hear the grating roar Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, At their return, up the high strand, Begin, and cease, and then again begin, With tremulous cadence slow, and bring The eternal note of sadness in.
Matthew Arnold