Tryon Edwards Quotes

To rejoice in another's prosperity is to give content to your lot; to mitigate another's grief is to alleviate or dispel your own

Tryon Edwards

The first step to improvement, whether mental, moral, or religious, is to know ourselves - our weakness,errors, deficiencies, and sins, that, by divine grace, we may overcome and turn from them all

Tryon Edwards

Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament and health. Some men are born old, and some never grow so.

Tryon Edwards

Thoughts lead on to purpose, purpose leads on to actions, actions form habits, habits decide character, and character fixes our destiny

Tryon Edwards

We never reach our ideals, whether of mental or moral improvement, but the thought of them shows us our deficiencies, and spurs us on to higher and better things

Tryon Edwards

Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrong

Tryon Edwards

Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament and health. Some men are born old, and some never grow so.

Tryon Edwards

Whoever in prayer can say, "Our Father," acknowledges and should feel the brotherhood of the whole race of mankind

Tryon Edwards

What we gave, we have; What we spent, we had; What we left, we lost.

Tryon Edwards

The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds.

Tryon Edwards

He that is possessed with a prejudice is possessed with a devil, and one of the worst kinds of devils, for it shuts out the truth, and often leads to ruinous error.

Tryon Edwards

Facts are God's arguments; we should be careful never to misunderstand or pervert them

Tryon Edwards

Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrong

Tryon Edwards

Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith, and inconsistent with it. But all science, in fact, rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws-a thing which can never be demonstrated.

Tryon Edwards

Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.

Tryon Edwards
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