William Feather Quotes

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.

William Feather

Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can

William Feather

Business is always interfering with pleasure - but it makes other pleasures possible

William Feather

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation's proverbs, fables, folk sayings and quotations.

William Feather

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it.

William Feather

The tragedy is that so many have ambition and so few have ability

William Feather

If we don't discipline ourselves, the world will do it for us.

William Feather

Education: Being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.

William Feather

Many of our prayers were not answered, and for this we are now grateful

William Feather

Any man who makes a speech more than six times a year is bound to repeat himself, not because he has little to say, but because he wants applause and the old stuff gets it

William Feather

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it.

William Feather

Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine.

William Feather

Most of us regard good luck as our right, and bad luck as a betrayal of that right.

William Feather

“Any man who makes a speech more than six times a year is bound to repeat himself, not because he has little to say, but because he wants applause and the old stuff gets it”

William Feather

The tragedy is that so many have ambition and so few have ability.

William Feather
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