Quotes from the Movie Mr.

You looked like Christmas morning.

John Smith

Your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart... and that's saying something!

John Smith

We should so not be allowed to buy these.

John Smith

I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning.

John Smith

Does that include weekends?

John Smith

Web of lies!

John Smith

We have an unusual problem here, Jane. You obviously want me dead, and I'm less and less concerned for your well-being.

John Smith

Option A: You talk, we listen, no pain. Option B: You don't talk, I remove your thumbs with my pliers, it will hurt. Option C: I like to vary the details a bit but the punchline is you die.

John Smith

That's all John, sweetheart.

John Smith

He's had my barbecue set for months.

John Smith

We'll talk about this later.

John Smith

I can't believe I brought my real parents to our wedding.

John Smith

Come on, let's talk about this! You don't want to go to bed angry!

John Smith

Let's see if we can't get a tune out of this trombone.

John Smith

We're going to have to re-do every conversation we've ever had.

John Smith

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