Quotes from the Movie Disclosure

Sexual harassment is about power. When did I have the power? When?

Tom Sanders

Why don't I just admit it? Admit that I'm that evil white guy everyone is always complaining about? Hey Chau-Minh, come down here so I can exercise my patriarchal urge!

Tom Sanders

Let's get down to business.

Meredith Johnson

You stick your dick in my mouth and NOW you get an attack of morality?

Meredith Johnson

There... Now that wasn't so bad, wasn't it?

Meredith Johnson

Now you got the power. You got something I want.

Meredith Johnson

Oh Tom, you are the one person I know who sucks up to the people below you.

Susan Hendler

Of course everyone knows! I'm so old fashioned, I greet my employees with a handshake!

Susan Hendler

An "old girlfriend"... that's about as exclusive as the White Pages!

Susan Hendler

The Chinese say, "May you live in interesting times." Well this has been the most interesting merger since my second marriage.

Bob Garvin

This is America, goddammit. The legal system is supposed to protect people like me!

Bob Garvin

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