Quotes from the Movie Annie

Leaping Lizards! Just look at this joint!


The Bolsheviks? Leaping lizards!


The sun'll come out Tomorrow, so you gotta hang on till tomorrow, come what may! Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow! You're only a day away.


They say it can land on a dime... whatever that may be.

Daddy Warbucks

Why do I smell wet dog?

Daddy Warbucks

Why any kid would want to be an orphan is beyond me.

Miss Hannigan

I am not zoned for dogs.

Miss Hannigan

Oliver Warbucks the Millionaire!

Miss Hannigan

I make a very dry martini.

Miss Hannigan

You had me followed?

Miss Hannigan

My God is that thing real?

Miss Hannigan

Who cares what they're wearing on Main street, or Saville Row? It's what you wear from ear to ear and not from head to toe that matters... You're never fully dressed without a smile!

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