Quotes from the Movie East of Eden

"No, to a monster the norm must seem monstrous, since everyone is normal to himself."

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"Some forces seem evil to us, perhaps not in themselves but because their tendency is to eliminate the things we hold good."

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"When our food and clothing and housing all are born in the complication of mass production, mass method is bound to get into our thinking and to eliminate all other thinking. In our time mass or collective production has entered our economics, our politics, and even our religion, so that some nations have substitued the idea collective for the idea God."

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"And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual."

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"I can understand why a system built on a pattern must try to destroy the free mind, for that is one thing which can by inspection destroy such a system. Surely I can understand this, and I hate it and I will fight against it to preserve the one thing that separates us from the uncreative beasts. If the glory can be killed, we are lost."

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"It would be absurd if we did not understand both angels and devils, since we invented them."

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"Well, a man's mind can't stay in time the way his body does."

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"It was well known that Liza Hamilton and the Lord God held similar convictions on nearly every subject."

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"Oh, maybe because we think of strangers as stronger and better than we are."

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"Maybe the foolishness is necessary, the dragon fighting, the boasting, the pitiful courage to be constantly knocking a chip off God's shoulder, and the childish cowardice that makes a ghost of a dead tree beside a darkening road. Maybe that's good and necessary, but--"

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"They were not pure, but they had a potential of purity, like a soiled white shirt."

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"You might get the idea that they howled truth and beauty the way a seal bites out the National Anthem on a row of circus horns."

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". . . once he had accepted the end as desireable, he should forget it completely and concentrate solely on the means."

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"And all the names but one in here have two dates."

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"It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion."

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