Discontent Quotes

Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.

Benjamin Franklin

For a number of years there has been a righteous discontent, a burning zeal to go forward in His name among the Baptist women of our churches and it will be the dynamic force in the religious campaign at the opening of the 20th century.

Nannie Helen Burroughs

It is not our circumstances that create our discontent or contentment. It is us.

Vivian Greene

For a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity and importance of political and social rights.

B. R. Ambedkar

Discontent is the seed of ethics.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Discontent is want of self-reliance; it is infirmity of will.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.

Oscar Wilde

Men don't like to step abruptly out of the security of familiar experience; they need a bridge to cross from their own experience to a new way. A revolutionary organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives -- agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive, affirmative, non-challenging climate.

Saul David Alinsky

If we devote our time disparaging the products of our business rivals, we hurt business generally, reduce confidence, and increase discontent.

Edward N. Hurley

Idleness, women, disorder, a foolish partiality for one's own native place, discontent and timidity are six obstructions to greatness.

Hitopadesa Hitopadesa

Everything becomes so problematic because of basic faults: from a discontent with myself.

Anna Freud

Discontent is something that follows ambition like a shadow.

Henry H. Haskins

Wealth and poverty the one is the parent of luxury and indolence, and the other of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent.


The essence of man is, discontent, divine discontent a sort of love without a beloved, the ache we feel in a member we no longer have.

Jose Gasset

If there was discontent before and the holidays are another opportunity to face one another across the table and be disappointed again, that will only reinforce the idea about divorce.

Sharyn Sooho
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