Purpose Quotes

None are so fond of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them; such persons covet secrets as a spendthrift covets money, for the purpose of circulation.

Charles Caleb Colton

Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Love has a particular trait: it has a task or purpose to fulfill - to abide. By its nature, love is enduring. The Holy Spirit offers our world love that dispels uncertainty; love that overcomes the fear of betrayal; love that carries eternity within; the true love that draws us into a unity that abides!

Pope Benedict XVI

He who never looks up to a living God, to a heavenly presence, loses the power of perceiving that presence, and the universe slowly turns into a dead machine, clashing and grinding on, without purpose or end. If the light within us be darkness, how great is that darkness!

James Freeman Clarke

Our work for peace must begin within the private world of each one of us. To build for man a world without fear, we must be without fear. To build a world of justice, we must be just. And how can we fight for liberty if we are not free in our own minds? How can we ask others to sacrifice if we are not ready to do so?... Only in true surrender to the interest of all can we reach that strength and independence, that unity of purpose, that equity of judgment which are necessary if we are to measure up to our duty to the future, as men of a generation to whom the chance was given to build in time a world of peace.

Dag Hammarskjld

The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.

Richard Wesley Hamming

Persecutors fear loss of control. Rescuers fear loss of purpose. Rescuers need Victimssomeone to protect or fixto bolster their self-esteem.

David Emerald

The more I think about sex, the better it gets. Here we have a purpose in life: Good for the blood circulation, Good for releasing the tension, The root of our reincarnations.

Kate Bush

As long as anyone believes that his ideal and purpose is outside him, that it is above the clouds, in the past or in the future, he will go outside himself and seek fulfillment where it cannot be found. He will look for solutions and answers at every point except where they can be foundin himself.

Erich Fromm

Science is incapable of supplying answers to ultimate questions about why things exist and what their purpose is.

Nicola Cabibbo

Art's purpose is to sober and quiet the mind so that it is in accord with what happens.

John Milton Cage Jr.

Now among the other things proper to recreate man and give him pleasure, music is either the first or one of the principal;and we must think that it is a gift of God deputed for that purpose'.

John Calvin

I said that this would be a Budget based on prudence for a purpose and that guides us also in our approach to public spending.

James Gordon Brown

The Augustan constitution remains one of the major products of the human intelligence. It was a whole into which the parts fitted smoothly, but both whole and parts were elastic and capable of swift adaptation to unforeseen conditions. It was elaborate, but that was necessary, both because of its origin and its purpose.

John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir

It is never too late to reform, as long as you have the sense to desire it, and the strength to execute your purpose.

Anne Bront
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