Youth Quotes

Young people are in a condition like permanent intoxication, because youth is sweet and they are growing.


A third peculiarity about the forest is that it exhibits a dynamic beauty. A Beethoven symphony or a poem of Shelley, a landscape by Corot or a Gothic cathedral, once it is finished becomes virtually static. But the wilderness is in constant flux. A seed germinates, and a stunted seedling battles for decades against the dense shade of the virgin forest. Then some ancient tree blows down and the long-suppressed plant suddenly enters into the full vigor of delayed youth, grows rapidly from sapling to maturity, declines into the conky senility of many centuries, dropping millions of seeds to start a new forest upon the rotting debris of its own ancestors, and eventually topples over to admit the sunlight which ripens another woodland generation.

Bob Marshall

The soul may sleep and the body still be happy, but only in youth.

Mignon McLaughlin

Don`t laugh at a youth for his affectations; he`s only trying on one face after another till he finds his own

Logan Pearsall Smith

The duty of youth is to challenge corruption

Kurt Cobain

Age is a tyrant who forbids at the penalty of life all the pleasures of youth

FranÁois de la Rochefoucauld

In youth we feel richer for every new illusion; in maturer years, for every one we lose.

Madame Anne Sophie

It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched for they are full of the truthless ideal which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real, they are bruised and wounded

W Somerset Maugham

Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity.

Samuel Johnson

Luxury! More perilous to youth than storms or quicksand, poverty or chains.

Hannah More

Rashness belongs to youth; prudence to old age.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

The true lover of learning then must his earliest youth, as far as in him lies, desire all truth. . .He whose desires are drawn toward knowledge in every form will be absorbed in the pleasures of the soul, and will hardly feel bodily pleasures- -I mean, if he be a true philosopher and not a sham one. . .Then how can he who has the magnificence of mind and is the spectator of all times and all existence, think much of human life? He cannot. Or can such a one account death fearful? No indeed.


Smiling always with a never fading serenity of countenance, and flourishing in an immortal youth.

Isaac Barrow

A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth. Instead of its bringing sad and melancholy prospects of decay, it would give us hopes of eternal youth in a better world.

Maurice Chevalier

Laws for the liberal education of youth, especially for the lower classes of people, are so extremely wise and useful that to a humane and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant.

John Adams
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