Folk Quotes

This is a work of fiction. All the characters in it, human and otherwise, are imaginary, excepting only certain of the fairy folk, whom it might be unwise to offend by casting doubts on their existence. Or lack thereof.

Neil Gaiman

This administration and these folk who run Washington are no more interested in our welfare and our well being than the man on the moon. And we have got to start taking our destiny into our hands.

Tavis Smiley

Well, I think every now and again, some people deserve to get their butts chewed. Every now and again some people deserve a pat on the back. What I try and do is compliment folk who deserve a compliment, and chew folks out who deserve to be chewed out.

Judge Mills Lane

The only really happy folk are married women and single men.

Henry Louis Mencken

Cats are mysterious kind of folk - there is more passing in their minds than we are aware of.

Sir Walter Scott

Try everything once except folk dancing and incest.

Sir Thomas Beecham

All music is folk music, I ain't never heard no horse sing a song.

Louis Armstrong

Christ of his gentleness, / Thirsting and hungering / Walked in the wilderness; / Soft words of grace he spoke / Unto lost desert-folk / That listened wondering.

Robert Graves

Readers of novels are strange folk, upon whose probable or even possible tastes no wise book-maker would ever venture.

Edward Verrell Lucas

Most folk are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln

Tis e'er the wont of simple folk to prize the deed and overlook the motive, and of learned folk to discount the deed and lay open the soul of the doer.

John Barth

Our lives are to be used and thus to be lived as fully as possible, and truly it seems that we are never so alive as when we concern ourselves with other people.

Harry Chapin

The early valentines are handmade, attractive and great folk art.

Terry Kovel

The folk thing was about civil rights... ... Folk music is the music of the working class, the music of the folks. Blues is folk music.

Otis Taylor

The National Folk Festival is a brand-new festival every year.

Julia Olin
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