Acting childish Quotes

More people have probably died from eating dodgy Chinese food than contracting some form of avian flu. The last thing we want is for the Daleks from Defra to start suggesting that they want to exterminate wildlifeas is their normal response when confronted with such a problem. We do not want any proposal that migrating birds are going to be destroyed because of alarmist figures and notions that appear in the Tory press.

Tony Banks

Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself.

Rodney Dangerfield

Acting provides the fulfillment of never being fulfilled. You're never as good as you'd like to be. So there's always something to hope for.

Glenda Jackson

If you took acting away from me, I'd stop breathing.

Ingrid Bergman

I must say acting was good training for the political life which lay ahead for us.

Nancy Reagan

Acting is everybody's favorite second job.

Jack Nicholson

I love acting. It is so much more real than life.

Oscar Wilde

Acting is the most minor of gifts and not a very high-class way to earn a living. After all, Shirley Temple could do it at the age of four.

Katharine Hepburn

Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made.

George Burns

Acting on a good idea is better than just having a good idea.

Robert Half

Acting is not being emotional, but being able to express emotion.

Thomas Reid

Acting is happy agony.

Sir Alec Guiness

Acting is a question of absorbing other people's personalities and adding some of your own experience.

Paul Newman

Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself.

Jeanne Moreau

A lot of what acting is paying attention.

Robert Redford
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