Discovery Quotes

Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us.

Jean Baudrillard

Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do so you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the results of thought.

Alexander Graham Bell

Who in the world am I? Ah, that\'s the great puzzle.

Lewis Carroll

The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live --moreover, the only one.

E. M. Cioran

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.

TS (Thomas Stearns) Eliot

Breaking free from extremely limited capacities of the present-day physical body and having gotten rid of the limits, a man may embark on a journey to a new knowledge, which is being born in his or her dreams. Nobody and nothing can stop such a man for he or she, having tasted freedom, has touched upon the capacities lying within a man. He or she has understood that life is a permanent creation of perfecting his or her soul through the world matter. It is only in this process that a man is implementing the plan of God

Augustinas Rakauskas

It-was a tiny mollusc that caused Walter, grandfather of the greatest biologist of the twentieth century, to forge a brief link with the greatest biologist of the nineteenth: Charles Darwin. . . . . . We know this because later that day he wrote hesitantly to Darwin to report what he had found.

Matt Ridley

To be worth making at all a journey has to be made in the mind as much as in the world of objects and dimensions. What value can there be in seeing or experiencing anything for the first time unless it comes as a revelation? And for that to happen, some previously held thought or belief must be confounded, or enhanced, or even transcended. What difference can it make otherwise to see a redwood tree, a tiger, or a humming bird?

Ted Simon

The open frontier, the hardships of homesteading from scratch, the wealth of natural resources, the whole vast challenge of a continent waiting to be exploited, combined to produce a prevailing materialism and an American drive bent as much, if not more, on money, property, and power than was true of the Old World from which we had fled.

Barbara Tuchman

The mountains, rivers, earth, grasses, trees, and forests are always emanating a subtle, precious light, day and night, always emanating a subtle, precious sound, demonstrating and expounding to all people the unsurpassed ultimate truth.


Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

If scientific discovery has not been an unalloyed blessing, if it has conferred on mankind the power not only to create but also to annihilate, it has at the same time provided humanity with a supreme challenge and a supreme testing

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.

Agnes de Mille

Without free speech no search for Truth is possible; without free speech no discovery of Truth is useful; without free speech progress is checked, and the nations no longer march forward towards the nobler life which the future holds for man. Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech. The abuse dies in a day; the denial slays the life of the people and entombs the hope of the race.

Charles Bradlaugh

The most remarkable discovery ever made by scientists, was science itself.

Jacob Bronowski
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