A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
Edward Abbey
Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.
Edward Bernays
A wise man distrusts his neighbor. A wiser man distrusts both his neighbor and himself. The wisest man of all distrusts his government.
Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell
The government shouldn't be trying to tell people everything to do, especially when it comes to social decisions that they need to make.
Herman Cain
The office of government is not to confer happiness, but to give men opportunity to work out happiness for themselves.
William Ellery Channing
One trouble is that when Government gets into a business it tends to make it uneconomic for anyone else.
Sir John James Cowperthwaite
The very essence of a free government consists in considering offices as public trusts, bestowed for the good of the country, and not for the benefit of an individual or a party.
John Caldwell Calhoun
I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me.
George Denis Patrick Carlin
Good government is the outcome of private virtue.
John Jay Chapman
Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society. Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all.
George Walker Bush
The federal government and the state government must not fear programs who change lives, but must welcome those faith-based programs for the embetterment (sic) of mankind.
George Walker Bush
The world must know that this administration will not blink in the face of danger, and will not tire when it comes to completing the missions that we said we would do.
George Walker Bush
There was a state without king or nobles; there was a church without a bishop; there was a people governed by grave magistrates which it had selected, and by equal laws which it had framed.
Rufus Choate
The final end of government is not to exert restraint but to do good.
Rufus Choate
The government is not God. It does not have the right to take away that which it cant return even if it wants to.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov