The mind of a wise man is the safest custody of secrets; cheerfulness is the key to friendship; patience and forbearance will conceal many defects.
Ali bin Abu-Talib
Mind is infinite and self-ruled, and is mixed with nothing, but is alone itself by itself.
When plugged in, the least elaborate computer can be relied on to work to the fullest extent of its capacity. The greatest mind cannot be relied on for the simplest thing; its variability is its superiority.
Jacques Barzun
If we would guide by the light of reason, we must let our minds be bold.
Louis Dembitz Brandeis
Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, and an infinite supply of all that is necessary.
Joseph Murphy
The mind map will change your life.
Tony Buzan
I must work on my mind. For now I realise: Everyone of us has a heaven inside.
Kate Bush
I owe my view of the world to the Bible. To my mind, the Bible's approach is the only valid one. Most philosophies usually go out of date within 20 years.
Wilhelm Busch
The power of thought,the magic of the mind!
George Gordon (Noel) Byron, 6th Baron Byron
It is, indeed an incredible fact that what the human mind, at its deepest and most profound, perceives as beautiful finds its realization in external nature. What is intelligible is also beautiful.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.
Wayne Dyer
The academic mind reflects infinity, and is full of light by the simple process of being shallow and standing still.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton