This is a very dangerous time. If you look at Iran and if you look at Pakistan and if you look at the links with Syria because Iran is working through proxies like Syria, through Hezbollah, through Hamas it seems that the table is being set for worldwide nuclear war against Israel. And if there's anything that we know, President Obama has been more than willing to stand with Occupy Wall Street, but he hasn't been willing to stand with Israel. Israel looks at President Obama and they do not see a friend.
Michele Bachmann
You're never gonna meet anyone hanging around here with the tactical nuclear family.
Alison Bechdel
Fortunately for whining snotface, the party itself goes with a bang. She enters looking every inch the cosseted flesh-waste she is, and her and her nauseating idiot scumbag friends celebrate into the night: dancing, shrieking, acting like pillocks, and generally making you feel like getting down on your knees and praying for a nuclear holocaust.