The comfortable people in tight houses felt pity at first, and then distaste, and finally hatred for the migrant people.
John Steinbeck
Remember, remember always that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Xenophobia manifests itself especially against civilizations and cultures that are weak because they lack economic resources, means of subsistence or land. So nomadic people are the first targets of this kind of aggression.
Antonio Tabucchi
Xenophobia, you should be more afraid of someone exactly like you"
I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism. And that's how I operate my life
Oprah Winfrey
Xenophobia is a special case of perfectly general human intellective disposition to literal self-preservation.
Robin May Schott
Xenophobia is a hardwired cognitive disposition that is impervious to empirical modification
Robin May Schott
Xenophobia is a fear of individuals who look or behave differently than than those one is accustomed to.
Robin May Schott
As the global expansion of Indian and Chinese restaurants suggests, xenophobia is directed against foreign people, not foreign cultural imports.
Eric Hobsbawm
Time and again we see leaders and members of religions incite aggression, fanaticism, hate, and xenophobia - even inspire and legitimate violent and bloody conflicts.
Hans Kung
At its conceptual heart, xenophobia is a fear of the 'other', with the 'other' most often being defined by differential (contemporary) nation-state 'membership'.
Dale T. McKinley