Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand.
Bruce Barton
Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity that was at hand.
Bruce Barton
Great men suffer hours of depression through introspection and self-doubt. That is why they are great. That is why you will find modesty and humility the characteristics of such men.
Bruce Barton
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstances
Bruce Barton
If you have anything really valuable to contribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that single spark of divinity that sets you off and makes you different from every other living creature.
Bruce Barton
The five steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation, explanation, showing, observation and supervision.
Bruce Barton
The five steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation, explanation, showing, observation and supervision.
Bruce Barton
No sex, age, or condition is above or below the absolute necessity of modesty; but without it one vastly beneath the rank of man.
Bruce Barton
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstances
Bruce Barton
Advertising is of the very essence of democracy. An election goes on every minute of the business day across the counters of hundreds of thousands of stores and shops where the customers state their preferences and determine which manufacturer and which product shall be the leader today, and which shall lead tomorrow.
Bruce Barton
Not eating breakfast is the worst thing you can do, that's really the take-home message for teenage girls.
Bruce Barton