Up, then, with speed, and work; Fling ease and self away This is no time for thee to sleep Up, watch, and work, and pray!
Horatius Bonar
How fast we learn in the day of sorrow! Scripture shines out in a new effulgence; every verse seems to contain a sunbeam, every promise stands out in illuminated splendor; things hard to be understood become in a moment plain.
Horatius Bonar
Sincerity and truth form the basis of every virtue. Be what thou seemest; live thy creed; Hold up to earth the torch divine; Be what thou prayest to be made; Let the great Master's steps be thine.
Horatius Bonar
Thy way, not mine, O Lord, However dark it be! Lead me by Thine own hand; Choose out the path for me.
Horatius Bonar
Thus while I journey on, my Lord to meet,My thoughts and meditations are so sweet,Of Him on whom I lean, my strength, my stay,I can forget the sorrows of the way.
Horatius Bonar
Fade, fade, each earthly joy; Jesus is mine! Break every earthly tie; Jesus is mine; Dark is the wilderness; Earth has no resting-place; Jesus alone can bless; Jesus is mine.
Horatius Bonar
Beyond the smiling and the weeping, I shall be soon; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, Beyond the sowing and the reaping, I shall be soon! Love, rest, and home Sweet hope! Lord, tarry not, but come!
Horatius Bonar
Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; For toil comes rest, for exile, home; Soon shalt thou hear the bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal: "Behold, I come."
Horatius Bonar
Yes, for me, for me He careth With a brother's tender care; Yes, with me, with me He shareth Every burden, every fear.
Horatius Bonar
In the day of prosperity we have many refuges to resort to; in the day of adversity, only one.
Horatius Bonar
Thou must be true thyself, If thou the truth wouldst teach; Thy soul must overflow, if thou Another's soul would'st reach! It needs the overflow of heart To give the lips full speech. Think truly, and thy thoughts Shall the world's famine feed; Speak truly, and each word of thine Shall be a fruitful seed; Live truly, and thy life shall be A great and noble creed.
Horatius Bonar