Quotes from the Movie Leon

I think we're gonna be okay here, Leon.


If you really wanted to help it, you'd plant it in the park, so it could have roots.


I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven.


We said noon. I've got one minute past.


Jesus! Look what you did! LOOK- WHAT- YOU DID!


I haven't got TIME for this Mickey-Mouse bullshit!


I need you to get me everyone. What do you mean, "everyone?" EVERYONE!


Death is... whimsical, today.


I have a lot of respect for your business, Tony. When you've killed for us in the past, w-we've always been satisfied. And that's exactly why today is going to be very, very hard for me.


My man was killed right here on your turf, and the Chinks tell me that the hit man was kind of the, uh, Italian type. So we figured Tony might know something. Wait, there's more - you're gonna love this. A few hours later, a little twelve-year-old girl comes into my office armed to the teeth, with the firm intention of sending me straight to the morgue. And you know who came and got her, in the middle of the afternoon, right there in my building? The very same Italian hit man. I'm dying to meet him!


What-what-what? There's two hundred men and you can't find one man and a girl? Did you find the girl?


Bring me everyone...EV-ERY-ONE!!!


Do you like life, sweetheart? Good, because I take no pleasure in taking a life from someone who doesn't care about it.


Manolo! A glass of milk for my friend LÈon, here.


It's been a long time, LÈon. I missed you. And, uh, you missed some nice jobs.

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