Never waste jealousy on a real man: it is the imaginary man that supplants us all in the long run.
George Bernard Shaw
Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.
Elizabeth Bowen
Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them.
Jennifer James
Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.
Maya Angelou
O! beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on
William Shakespeare
Yet he was jealous, though he did not show it, For jealousy dislikes the world to know it
Lord Byron
Plain women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women never are. They are always so occupied with being jealous of other women's husbands.
Oscar Wilde
Whatever spiteful fools may say, Each jealous ranting yelper, No woman ever went astray, Without a man to help her
Abraham Lincoln
Don't hold grudges; it's pointless. Jealousy too is a non-cathartic, negative emotion.
Jealousy is the most dreadfully involuntary of all sins
Iris Murdoch
Jealousy feeds upon suspicion, and it turns into fury or it ends as soon as we pass from suspicion to certainty
FranÃois de la Rochefoucauld
Why art thou silent and invisible, Father of Jealousy?
William Blake
Cruelty has a human heart, And Jealousy a human face; Terror the human form divine, And Secrecy the human dress.
William Blake
So my great love for thee lies tranquil, deep, Forever; though above it passions fierce, Ambition, hatred, jealousy; like waves That seem from earths core to the sky to leap, But oceans depths can never really pierce; Hide its great calm, while all the surface raves.
Francis William Bourdillon
Jealousy that jumble of secret worship and ostensible aversion.
Emil Cioran