To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.
Denis Waitley
Self esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves.
Nathaniel Branden
Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
George Washington
Love yourself first and everything falls into line
Lucille Ball
In order to be happy we require all kinds of supports to our self-esteem. We are human beings, therefore human beings are the purpose of god's creation
Bertrand Russell
The tragedy is that so many people look for self-confidence and self-respect everywhere except within themselves, and so they fail in their search.
Dr Nathaniel Branden
Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.
Maxwell Maltz
We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serving us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity.
Barbara De Angelis
Wealth is an inborn attitude of mind, like poverty. The pauper who has made his pile may flaunt his spoils, but cannot wear them plausibly.
Jean Maurice Eugne Clment Cocteau
Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.
Robert Collier
Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.
Thomas Carlyle
Self-esteem isn't everything; it's just that there's nothing without it
Gloria Steinem
Dont hold yourselves cheap, seeing that the creator of all things and of you estimates your value so high, so dear, that he pours out for you every day the most precious blood of his only-begotten Son.
St. Augustine of Hippo
Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
Malcolm S. Forbes
You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. And it is incumbent upon you to use that power--not only for yourself, but for everyone else around you.
Jennifer Beals