Duty Quotes

It is the duty of children to wait on elders, and not the elders on children

African Proverb

The first duty of a government is to give education to the people

SimÛn BolÌvar

Duty is ours; results are God's

John Quincy Adams

Duty is not collective; it is personal

Calvin Coolidge

When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual.

Frank Herbert

I think the first duty of society is justice

Alexander Hamilton

He who defines duty for himself is his own master.

Dick Cheatham

The reward of one duty is the power to fulfil another.

George Eliot

What is possible is our highest duty.

William E. Mclaren

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.


Love is a better teacher than duty.

Albert Einstein

It is better to do one's own duty, however defective it may be, than to follow the duty of another, however well one may perform it. He who does his duty as his own nature reveals it, never sins.

Lao Tzu

The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.

Kurt Cobain

Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.

George Washington

Love can do much, but duty more.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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