It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame.
Marshall McLuhan
If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.
Omar Bradley
Any technology that does not appear magical is insufficiently advanced.
Gregory Benford
It's only due to modern technology that you can be as pleasingly plump as you are.
Bill Allred
We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world - we need to make them accessible to every American.
Barbara Levy Boxer
Democracy is spreading across the world. Democracy is only possible with easy access to information and good communications. And technology is a way of facilitating communications.
Thomas Leo Clancy Jr.
It (objection to a machine that could think) was the hook used by the rabble rousers, whose monopoly of moral interpretation might be challenged.
Mark Clifton
Technology frightens me to death. It's designed by engineers to impress other engineers, and they always come with instruction booklets that are written by engineers for other engineers which is why almost no technology ever works.
John Marwood Cleese
Historically, the developement of machines had amplified man's ability to destroy.
Edmund Cooper
Without mankind machines are nothing.
Edmund Cooper
Quite apart from the prestige of technology, people do, after all, prefer a simple idea to a complex one.
Sir Bernard Rowland Crick
What I did in my youth is hundreds of times easier today. Technology breeds crime.
Frank Abagnale
Technology is not neutral. We're inside of what we make, and it's inside of us. We're living in a world of connections and it matters which ones get made and unmade.
Donna Haraway
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
William Clark