Sex is more exciting on the screen and between the pages than between the sheets.
Andy Warhol
In advertising, sex sells. But only if you're selling sex.
Jef I. Richards
Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.
Marilyn Monroe
Sex is. There is nothing more to be done about it. Sex builds no roads, writes no novels and sex certainly gives no meaning to anything in life but itself.
Gore Vidal
I'm suggesting we call sex something else, and it should include everything from kissing to sitting close together
Shere Hite
Sex is God's joke on human beings.
Bette Davis
I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.
Steve Martin
Of all the sexual aberrations, chastity is the strangest.
Anatole France
There is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.
William Somerset Maugham